Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year! Yeah. It's been a great year and I am so looking forward to 2013. Finally got the holidays done and my FLU out of the way!

I am grateful for all the friends that support my jewelry business and said I could do it. Thank you for that. It truely means so much to me.

Even the ones that said I was crazy to start my own business, I thank you too. You made me more determined! I really do believe that no one will get you there except yourself. If you don't believe in it why should others?

Oh yes, thank you to sweet Sharon from "Beads of Sharon" for helping me in 2012. You are truely a wonderful soul and I am so happy you are in my life. Amanda, my friend, my Ambassador of Quan. I love you!

And my wonderful love of my life, John. Never tired, always open to ideas and true with his navigation on life. I love you.

So here I am looking ahead on new adventures with my business. New designs, new shows, and teaching classes and taking classes.

Back to my studio with Petie!

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