Thursday, September 13, 2012

Submitting to a Show & Selling at the Winery

Great week on designing jewelry!

I submitted my three designs to Framework's Winter Exhibition for Unique & Creative Jewelry. Not showing them until I get the thumbs up. Hopefully Frameworks will pick my work. I really got inspired by the leaves that are turning colors and falling off the trees now. I have a cottonwood tree that is already shedding it's leaves. There is always a few green ones left and I think about really held on. An early reminder that Winter is COMING!

My designs were inspired by these events and I will be sharing the three necklaces on my Facebook and website early November when the show begins (Hopefully mine will be accepted!).

Sculpterra Winery where I work a couple days a week and my good friend Tom who works there with me said the jewelry sales were slow. We have four jewelry artist (me included) selling at Sculpterra! Well that morning one of the first guests went right up to my work and bought my pink agate necklace. The lady was from Ukraine and said she hardly ever buys jewelry and it spoke to her. Wow. When I took it out of the case I told her I made it. She gave me the biggest smile. She put it on immediately. What a great treat!

Talk about good Karma. Keep talking's brings them out to buy. Ha. Tom is a hoot and has such a great eye as our gift buyer. He is super fun to work with at the winery!

Well, back to my studio to work on my jewelry to drop off at Sculpterra Winery!

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