Monday, August 20, 2012

What a Week? Jewelry Show and Supportive Friends

Had a fun time at my Trunk Jewelry Show at Gather Wine bar in Arroyo Grande, CA last Friday night.  Thank you Kari. (She is the owner of the wine bar).

They had their first ART WALK in the downtown Village. It was packed and I got to speak with so many nice people who liked my work. Even though I did not sell a lot, I did get to pass out my cards and introduce myself! There was music outside, a few artist painting outside, and the atmosphere was fun and exciting. Locals loved it!

My friend, Amanda Thomason, helped me with the show. Thank you Amanda for being there and always giving me your support.

Speaking of support.....having friends and family as support is so wonderful as I found out when my boyfriend's brother, Thomas, was in a accident. Not his fault! A truck ran into him while he was on his bike. Wow. He is recovering and stable. It makes you grateful for family and friends who are there for you during good times and hard times. It's so good to see that Thomas has that around him.

Well.... back to working in my studio and getting my new desk set up. I will be posting a picture when I am done. It's 98 degrees outside today and I am thankful for air conditioning while I put together my desk, chair and file.

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