Monday, October 8, 2012

Saying It To The World!

An article about my jewelry and music came out last Friday in the weekly paper called, The Atascadero News. The reporter, Stephanie Austin, contacted me and we met last week. She did a great job interviewing me and I had fun talking with her about my career change from corportate sales to my own creative business. It was like talking to an old friend, it was so smooth and easy.

Stephanie, also a musician, and a wonderful writer for Vino; a magazine about wine! Music and wine, a great combo!

Reading the article made me feel like I am on the right career track. Sometimes, I think we all doubt our major moves when we risk a lot. I even had friends that thought I was nuts; ha!

There are always blocks along the way but I think about what a friend said; "Well, if it was easy to do your own business, wouldn't everyone be doing it?". He is right and yes, it is tough sometimes and the rewards outway all the rough spots.

I love the feeling of fall now and I am looking forward to spending the holidays with my love, John and our furry family, and more jewelry events.

Back to the studio!

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